from the publisher
february 18, 2002
For the last week of this issue, OtP talked to a few folks whose work involves failure. A veteran of the Environmental Protection Agency dispels the myth that all environmental failures are permanent but reveals the ecological disaster in the American Dream. A senior editor at Outside magazine offers insights into the popularity of failed adventure stories like Into Thin Air and The Perfect Storm.
We also found a letter penned by an OtP staff member concerning rejection, written at the last spike of San Francisco's gold rush days, when rents were still high and jobs seemingly aplenty. For more on this era, we offer you a reprise of Zoë Francesca's Dot Com Denoument, first published in our Adult Adolescence issue. And, as always, we offer wisdom from the likes of Joey Ramone, William Shakespeare, and Homer Simpson in our quotes of yesterday and today.
Happy failing.
