from the publisher
how do people arrive at On the Page?
I am often asked how people find On the Page. According to our stats, the majority of our visitors come directly to our site, having learned of us by word of mouth for the most part, I suppose. But the occasional visitor stumbles upon us in search of something else. Search strings that have led individuals to one of our pages include:
molded belt buckles
snap lids beer bottle
porcupine walks across screen
native montana bumper sticker
college photos cross-country
nipple venus
meal worms as food for hedgehogs
We like to think that some of these accidental visitors stay a spell or make a note to check us out after they've bought their meal worms.
siblings continues
This week in Siblings, however, there are references to none of the above. Instead, we offer stories of "almost sisters" in Samantha Schoech's Vermont Is So Unlike California; a tale of longstanding competition between brothers played out on the basketball court in Jono Marcus's I'll Give You Ten, Game to Eleven; and Susan Chambers' poetic study of memories etched in the body in The Skin Magician Confesses. We also continue to share daily pictures and recommendations.
If you missed the search for an unknown brother and an addict's encounter with his sister, you'll find them here, along with poems about separation by birth and by philosophy, and a tragic memoir about an older brother.
Of course, our spring supplement and our first issue—outsiders and community—are still here.
Hope you're coming to our party celebrating adult adolescence, to be held in San Francisco on the 26th of April. Or maybe you can make our May event in New York City at KGB (more information to come).
And, as always, we love to hear from you.
