Sara Berkeley: Nereid
Sara Berkeley was born in Dublin and has lived in London and the San Francisco Bay Area since 1989. She has published three slim volumes of poetry, a collection of short stories, and Shadowing Hannah (New Island/Dufour), described by The New York Times as a "disturbing yet vibrant first novel." A fourth volume of poetry and second novel are brewing intensely.
Joan Bieder: Einstein in Singapore
Joan Bieder is a senior lecturer at the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley. She worked as a producer for ABC Network News for many years and taught journalism at Columbia University for a decade before coming to Berkeley. She frequently spends the summer in Singapore, doing research on freedom of the press, consulting with television news corporations there, and researching her project, "The Significance and the Disappearance of the Jews of Singapore."
Julia Bloch: Leisure
Julia Bloch has studied poetry at the Iowa Writers' Workshop and playwriting at the Playwrights' Center in Minneapolis. Julia lives in San Francisco, California, and is pursuing an MFA at Mills College.
Mimi Chakarova: The Distance Between Us
Mimi Chakarova graduated from the San Francisco Art Institute with a degree in photography and is currently completing a master's thesis in visual studies at UC Berkeley. This is her third year teaching photography at the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley.
Ruth Daigon: Indecision on Aisle Seven
Ruth Daigon was founder and editor of Poets On. Her poems have been widely published in both print magazines and online, including Shenandoah, Poet & Critic, Alaska Quarterly, Crania, Cross Connect, and Zuzu's Petals. She is the recipient of numerous poetry awards and will be part of the Pudding House Publications Poetry Chapbook Series, "Ruth Daigon's Greatest Hits 1970–2000." Stained Glass Cantatas (Cedar Hill Publications), a collection of her poetry, will be published in 2002.
Nada Djordjevich: 'Open Letters' Opens Up; Should You Bowl Alone?
Nada Djordjevich is publisher of On the Page.
Vera Djordjevich: The Jar by the Door; The Good, the Bad, and the Freaks
Vera Djordjevich is an editor at On the Page.
Rachel Haas: Hedgehog
Rachel Haas is from a small town in western Pennsylvania. She has lived in the Silicon Valley for six years and works as a technical writer. Her hobbies include cross-country skiing, road trip vacations, and taiko (Japanese drumming).
Jaron Kanegson: And what about people you see crying in public
Jaron Kanegson's work appears in the upcoming issue of SpoonfedAmerika, as well as in several anthologies. Jaron has taken BART, MUNI, CalTrans, and AC Transit all over the San Francisco Bay Area, and also spends time in other public places.
Emily Koehn: Something to Do with All Night Classical Bowling
Emily Koehn currently lives in Princeton, New Jersey, and teaches writing at Rutgers University. She has previously been published in Malahat Review and Seneca Review. She likes cats and bric-a-brac.
Lorraine Mavis Lupo: Maria's New Job, Washing Cars, Tuna Helper
Lorraine Mavis Lupo lives in Berkeley, California, with her husband and dog. She is working toward her MFA in Creative Writing at San Francisco State University. She has received the Ardella Mills prize in fiction and has a short story forthcoming in ONTHEBUS.
Pete Mulvihill: Rebound for Glory: More Thoughts on Woody
Pete Mulvihill runs Green Apple Books, a landmark bookstore in San Francisco, and teaches expository writing at the University of San Francisco.
William Nations: Saving My Grandparents
William Nations was born and raised in central Arkansas. For the last five years he has lived in New York City, where he works as an Internet consultant.
Susan Parker: Room at the Inn
Susan Parker is a writer living in Oakland, California. Her work has appeared in many publications, including The San Francisco Chronicle, The Sun, and Salon. Her memoir, Tumbling After, will be published by Crown Books in November 2001. She teaches nonfiction writing classes throughout the Bay Area.
Susan Scheid: Fake Lezzie
Susan Scheid lives and works in New York City. Her stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Cottonwood, Oasis, Prairie Schooner, and Willow Review. Her story, "The Order of Things" (Oasis, October–December 2000), has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and another story, "The Woman Who Felt Things," has received the 2001 Willow Review award for fiction.
Todd Schindler: The Magnificent Kornblatt; The Devil's Food
Todd Schindler, a former child star in Mexico, is a filmmaker and writer. He currently lives in New York City.
Samantha Schoech: Oh, Give Me a Home
Samantha Schoech is a contributing editor at On the Page.
Rick Stern: Letter from Missoula
Rick Stern is an environmentalist, freelance writer, softball player, bass guitarist, and now, homeowner, living in Missoula, Montana.
Peter Tomassi: The Next Religion
Peter Tomassi's work has appeared in numerous publications in the United States and abroad, including Beauty for Ashes Poetry Review, The Cafe Review, The Comstock Review, Magma (London), Paris/Atlantic (France),, and Porcupine Literary Arts Magazine. His debut book of poetry, Mixing Cement, was recently published by Thunder Rain. Mr. Tomassi lives in New York.
Andrena Zawinski: The Mother with Claws
Andrena Zawinski is the Feature Editor of Her poems have appeared in Adirondack Review, Disquieting Muses, Poets4Peace, Quarterly West, Santa Clara Review, Crab Creek Review, and elsewhere. Ms. Zawinski's poetry collection, Traveling in Reflected Light, was published as a Kenneth Patchen Prize in Poetry by Pig Iron Press.
